The News: 2025
Петербургский международный лесопромышленный форум
October 4, 2023
XXV Петербургский Международный Лесопромышленный Форум 2023 прошел 26-27 сентября! В этом году на форуме состоялись 11 отраслевых конференций, приняли участие более 350 делегатов и спикеров. Мы разобрали множество важных и актуальных вопросов о состоянии рынка, как в России, так и за рубежом. Идти своим путем можно только постоянно обучаясь новому. Благодарим организаторов и участников Форума […]
Production Leader 2021
April 12, 2021
In 2021, St. Petersburg, after a year’s break, once again welcomed the winners of the “Production Leader” professional skills contest. The whole weekend of April 10-11 the guests enjoyed a rich cultural program which included a sightseeing tour of the Northern Capital and the visiting of the main sights of the city (the Hermitage, the […]
MosBuild 2021
April 6, 2021
It is for the seventh time that PJSC “Taleon” – “Taleon Trading” (in cooperation with TD CSK) participated in the largest Russian International Building Exhibition, “MosBuild“, held on March 30 – April 2, 2021, in “Crocus Expo” International Exhibition Complex, Moscow. The exposition demonstrated genuine interest of the audience towards Ultralam® products, namely Ultralam® LVL […]
MLT LLC’s Talion Arbor OSB Production Plant performed an overhaul of the main press line
January 15, 2021
In November 2020, MLT LLC’s Talion Arbor OSB Production Plant performed a scheduled overhaul of the main press line, i.e., the replacement of the press steel belt. This work and the upgrading of other pieces of equipment allowed to avoid unscheduled production downtime and resulted in increased output and improved quality of products.